Solarwinds : Add/Edit Node

Add Device

Settings > Manage Nodes  > Add Node > Follow the Wizard.

Edit Node

Find Device > Edit Node > NCM Properties

Configurations Normally download to : \SolarWinds\Orion\NCM\Config-Archive

Palo Alto : Enable IPv6 and Create Default Route

To Enable IPv6 on the Firewall


IPv6 firewalling is enabled under Device > Setup > Session:

*** You may have to restart your Firewall for IPv6 to be enabled.

On the CLI

> configure

# set deviceconfig setting session ipv6-firewalling [yes|no]

# commit

Here is the interface configuration I used:

Don’t forget to add a rule in your security policy that allows Your new IPv6 interface to talk to your Gateway.

Add Default Route

You will also have to add a default route under Network > Virtual Routers > Default > Static Routes > IPv6

The default route for IPv6 is ::/0 the next hop is the default gateway address

Network Utilities : SuperPutty Setup

I only use SuperPutty with GNS3, here is how.

  • GNS3 as of 1.5.2 doesn’t include the latest version so download it from here:
  • Start SuperPutty which will present you with the configuration options.  Set the following:
    • YOU MUST USE THE PUTTY PROVIDED WITH GNS3.  If you don’t, you’ll receive errors “unknown option -wt” when opening consoles with SuperPutty from GNS3
    • putty.exe location (Required): C:\Program Files\GNS3\putty.exe
      • Or where-ever GNS3 is installed
    • Click the “Advanced: tab > Check off “Only allow single instance of SuperPutty to run”
  • Set the other options however you like
  • Open up Preferences in GNS3 > General > Console applications tab
  • Change the console application for telnet and serial to use SuperPutty
  • If you want to use keep the same color scheme that is used by the regular Putty console, add “-gns3 5 -skin 4” at the end i.e.
    • c:\dropbox\apps\superputty\SuperPutty.exe -telnet “%h -P %p -wt \”%d\” -gns3 5 -skin 4″

GNS3 : Install and Configure

This install is intended for running IOU/IOL images on the GNS3 VM because it is the preferable way of running IOS in GNS3 now.


  1. Install VMware Workstation Player
  2. Install VMware VIX API
  3. Install Wireshark
    Install WinPCAP provided by Wireshark


Install GNS3:

  1. Install GNS3
  2. Install only the following components:

  1. We don’t need Dynamips/QEMU/VPCS/Cpulimit because we’ll be running everything off of the GNS3 VM server.  We don’t install SuperPutty from here because its not the latest version and the first thing it does when you open it is bug you about upgrading to the latest version.  There are setup instructions for it below.

Install Loopback Adapter

  1. Open an Admin Command Prompt

cd “c:\Program Files\gns3”


  1. Install a new Loopback interface (reboot required)
  2. Reboot
  1. Rename the new Loopback adapter to “Loopback”
  2. Assign it an IP address


Setup GNS3 VM:

  1. Download the GNS3 VM version that matches the installed GNS3 version
  2. Import the VM and keep the defaults
  3. Add a 3rd Network Adapter that will be in Bridged mode and connected to the Loopback adapter (Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter)

  1. Power on the VM
  2. SSH into the VM using gns3/gns3 for the credentials
    1. Sudo to root and run the following:
      1. echo ‘’ >> /etc/hosts
  3. Leave the VM powered on, we’re done with it for now
  4. Open an Administrator command prompt
  5. cd into the GNS3 install directory and run the following:
    1. IMPORTANT: On my work laptop, added the additional interfaces broke network connectivity to the VM after they were added.  I have no idea why but after I reinstalled VMware Workstation which uninstalled all the adapters, I was able to connect to the VM again.  On the work laptop, I’m running without the additional adapters and it seems fine so far.
    2. vmnet-manager.cmd
    3. Select option 1 which will add the vmnet interface 2 to 19 (this can take a while, please be patient)
    4. If it looks like this process has hung, you follow step 2 in the url below to add the adapters


Configure GNS3 to use the GNS3 VM server:

  1. Open up GNS3
  2. Goto Edit > Preferences

    Be sure to leave “Start VM in headless mode” unchecked.  I ran into issues where the VM would not automatically startup when opening GNS3 and also cause the GNS3 process to linger when closing out of it.
  3. Disable “Use of the local server” for Dynamips and QEMU.  We’ll use the GNS3 VM instead for running those processes.

Packet capture VPCS Dynamips IOS routers General settings Use the local server Path to Dynamips:



Create the L2/L3 IOU Devices:

  1. Goto Edit > Preferences
  2. Set the iourc file to use with the license (IOU devices need a license to run)
  3. Create the L2 image:
  4. Create the L3 image:

Add Device Image

New appliance template > Add and IOU > Run the IOU > New Image > Browse


i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1e.bin – IOU-L2

i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.2T.bin – IOU-L3



Operational Notes:

  • Sometimes a restart of all the routers/switches are required when new links are created between devices.  Even though the line protocols show as up, I’ve found a restart is required for traffic to actually pass through them.


If you want to use SuperPutty as the SSH client for GNS3 click this link:
SuperPutty with GNS3

SecureCRT : Logging

Logging your session when doing any kind of network work is very important and can save your ass. It has saved mines on multiple occasions. One reason is it allows you to look back and see what you may have done wrong, so you can troubleshoot a issue more effectively. Other reasons are it give you the user a quick way to backup a device if you show the configuration file when working on it. I make it a habit of showing the configuration file before I do any work, so I always have a back out strategy incase something goes wrong.

SecureCRT Logging

Options > Edit Session Defaults

File path to where you are storing your logs /Logs/%M-%D-%Y/%S (%H) — %h-%m.log

Start Log Upon Connect

Append to File

Start recording S (%H) – %h:%m:%s

Stop recording S (%H) – %h:%m:%s

Happy Logging!

Cisco/Brocade : Basic Similar Commands

  • Here are some basic switch commands and the Cisco to Brocade differences, even though the OS’s are similar they have some subtle differences.




Configure a VLAN

Interface vlan 2

Vlan 2

Configure a trunk port

Int fa0/1

Switchport trunk encap dot1q

Switchport mode trunk

Vlan 2

Tagged eth 0/1/1

Vlan 3

Tagged eth 0/1/1

Vlan 4

Tagged eth 0/1/1

Interface ethernet 0/1/1

Dual-mode 1

Configure a access port

Int fa0/1

Switchport access vlan 2

Vlan 2

Untagged eth 0/0/1

Configure an IP address on a VLAN

Int vlan2

Ip address

Vlan 2

Router interface ve 1

Interface ve1

Ip address

Configure a range of ports

Int range fa0/1-10

Int eth 0/1/1 to 0/1/5

Configure a port for both voice and data vlans

Int fa0/1

Switchport access vlan2

Switchport voice vlan3


Tagged eth 0/1/1


Tagged eth 0/1/1

Inter eth 0/1/1

Dual-mode 1

Voice-vlan 3

Inline power

Show the interface status of a port/vlan

Sh int fa0/1

Show int eth 0/1/1

See CDP Neighbors

Show cdp neighbors

Show fdp neighbors

The Packet Wizard : Update May 11th 2017

Since I started this blog a few weeks ago, I have not been able to post once per week as I would have liked, there have been a number of reasons, mostly though, time.

I have been working like a maniac at work and learning a bunch of new stuff, which in turn will provide some awesome blog material. I hope to finish up writing these in the next week or so between work travel to Montreal, A full week of Palo Alto Firewall Training and another 2 week work trip to Australia.

Upcoming blog material will include : Palo Alto and Amazon Web Services AWS (which I spent 2 weeks working on and configuring). All very fascinating stuff.